Resources & Knowledge

Caron’s tight parameter control and range of sizes and options are ideal for a wide range of applications, including:
Drug, chemical, and product stability, photostability and shelf life testing
In-vitro cell culture
Refrigerated product storage
Plant growth
Insect rearing
Small animal rearing
Materials and component stress testing
Cooling of 3rd-party devices
Visit the links below to further your education, and rapidly find key guidance in the following areas:
Applications white papers
Journal articles
Application-specific regulation
Regulatory agency web sites
Relevant trade groups
Caron models designed for each application

Questions? Explore Caron's Scientific for life sciences and industry. Request a quote or call our expert team now.
Diverse Array of Applications
Accurate, dependable, and easy to use test chambers are crucial for stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, photostability testing of drug product samples, or shelf life testing of finished pharmaceutical product.
Repeatable in-vitro mammalian cell culture requires pure and high quality culture media, clean and healthy cell lines, a precise and well maintained CO2 incubator, and good general aseptic culture technique.
Refrigerated (5C) storage of pharmaceutical research compounds, chemicals, biological samples, and compounded drugs requires highly stable and consistent temperature control, as well as tight temperature uniformity, over long periods of time.
Most plants require light exposure, to facilitate photosynthesis. Different organisms, or organisms at different points in the growth process, may require higher or lower levels of light intensity.
Insects continue to serve as valuable research subjects, for applications such fly or worm model developmental studies, epidemiology, and plant pathology.
Small animals are widely used for human disease modelling, developmental and genetic studies.
All materials and assemblies used in industrial, commercial, and consumer products applications should be tested to establish real-world durability and esthetic benchmarks.
Many types of instruments produce waste heat, and require external cooling to function. Applications include, but are not limited.
Sharing answers to common inquiries
All Caron chambers require ph-neutral water of between 50K Ohms and 1Meg Ohms resistivity. This type of water can be obtained from distilled, reverse osmosis (RO) or deionized (DI) sources. Caron offers a system, the CRSY condensate recirculator, for facilities without a house water system.
Less pure water, with resistivity less than 50K Ohms, can lead to difficult to remove mineral deposits on system components, or within the chamber. Water of greater purity, such as ultrapure or Water For Injection (WFI) above 1 Meg Ohm can attack key unit components, causing damage not covered under warranty. See our Water Specifications Bulletin for more details.